New Movers List

Hugo Dunhill’s New Movers List

Did you know: New Movers spend 4-6 times as much as non-movers in the months surrounding a move – an average of $9,000 more. Reach 1.9 million new movers every month with Hugo Dunhill’s new movers list.

Fresh New Leads

hdml new movers lists, mailing lists, new movers, marketing lists for new moversHugo Dunhill’s New Movers list is the freshest available in the marketplace today. They are received at the end of each work day, put through a rigorous process that identifies which are true new movers and then made available the very next morning. You can have fresh new leads available within 12-24 hours of turn-around time. Now that’s Fresh!

We offer the most comprehensive database files, sourced from more telephone companies than any other list company! We source 13% more information than our closest competitor. So you know that when you trust Hugo Dunhill for your marketing list, you are getting better sourced, current and quality data.

Our processing allows us to identify what transactions are truly new and eliminates secondary and tertiary line connections, saving you time and money. Our list database is 96% accurate. Hugo Dunhill will replace any inaccurate information. We offer a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee.

*You can select Brand New Movers (new to an address location) or Renovators and Remodelers adding additional lines to an existing residence.

Contact the list experts at Hugo Dunhill today. Fill out the form or call us at 800.223.6454